Slice of life

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How NOT to lose yourself inside your head

 Have you ever thought that the biggest power that mankind inherited from millenniums of evolution, the feature that places humans above all other species, is one of the greatest enemies that the human race has been struggling with since the beginning of their existence? Yes, I’m talking about the power of mind. As an individual…

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Quotes that make you fall in love with Life.

What is the meaning of life? Why do we exist?  I don’t think anyone has the perfect answers for those questions. Not even the greatest philosophers could explain the reason for our existence.  But despite all the suffering and tragedy and horror, I think life is still a beautiful, wonderful, magical thing. And I gathered…

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Strange Psychological Phenomena That Actually Exist

Human brain has to be the most complex and fascinating organ. Even after experimenting and researching for centuries, scientists have failed to create a complete explanation of the functions of brain. Which is why there are many unresolved issues regarding the it. Sometimes human brain play tricks that are both unexplainable and unbelievable. Following are…

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The Fall of Icarus – Why it is not a tragedy

The greatest tragedy of them all Is never to feel the burning light. Oscar Wilde In Greek mythology, Icarus was the son of the famous craftsman Daedalus, who created the labyrinth located under the court of King Minos of Crete. In that labyrinth, lived the half man – half bull creature “Minotaur” To keep the…